Upgrade of Basic Hosting Server to NGINX
NGINX is an open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. NGINX is known for its high performance, stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption.
This past week, out network staff have upgraded the hosting platform for the 10MB free hosting service Register4Less.com provides with every domain name. The server for the http://Register4Less.com website itself has also been upgraded to NGINX. The hosting platform had been using Lighttpd for a number of years before the upgrade.
NGINX provides a number of advantages over Lighttpd or Apache, including:
- possible per-domain customizations if required,
- sub-domains can now be setup by ftping using the same credential as the domain it’s based on, using its own top-level folder,
- no database use for configuration, so even more responsive than before,
- using latest stable Nginx web server for better security.
While our staff are confident that the change from Lighttpd to NGINX will be seamless, we ask that if you are using our basic hosting platform and see any issues to contact our support team.
In the industry today, NGINX is second only to Apache in terms of volume of sites that use it as the web server application.
Tags: basic hosting, email aliases, free hosting, web hosting